Prayer Guide
for Church Fast 2025
In his book Hunger for God John Piper states, “What’s new about Christian fasting is that it rests on all this finished work of the Bridegroom. It assumes that. It believes that. It enjoys that. The aching and yearning and longing for Christ and His power that drive us to fasting are not the expression of emptiness. Need, yes. Pain, yes. Hunger for God, yes. But not emptiness. The firstfruits of what we long for have already come. The down payment of what we yearn for is already paid. The fullness that we are longing for and fasting for has appeared in history, and we have beheld His glory. It is not merely future. We do not fast out of emptiness. Christ is already in us the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). The new fasting, the Christian fasting, is a hunger for all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19), aroused by the aroma of Jesus’ love and by the taste of God’s goodness in the gospel of Christ (1 Peter 2:2–3).”
In Matthew 9 John’s disciples asked Jesus, “Why do we fast and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?” Jesus’ response was not that fasting was only an Old Testament principle but rather He equates fasting to longing for Him. His response was that as long as the bridegroom (Jesus) is with His disciples they do not need to fast. But when the bridegroom (Jesus) is taken, then they will fast. Friends, fasting is longing and yearning for Jesus.
Fasting is abstaining from what our bodies crave and replacing it with a craving and delight for Christ. Fasting and praying go hand in hand. Fasting allows us to kill our earthy cravings, prayer gives birth to our heavenly cravings. Prayer allows us to long for Christ.
In the month of February we will fast as a church. Fast from whatever God is calling you to fast from. For example, you can fast from food, TV, social media, etc. You can fast one day a week, several days a week, or the entire month. Pray about what you should do. As you are starving those earthly cravings make sure that you replace it with a craving and delight for Christ by praying.
There will be several groups throughout week where men and women will gather to pray. The groups will last about 45 minutes to an hour.
Women’s Prayer groups:
Tina Detillier —Mondays @ 9 am in the fellowship hall
Carrie Bourgeois —Mondays @ 6:30 pm (Schriever)
Christa Veillon —Thursdays @ 6:00 pm (Thibodaux)
Kacie Leblanc —Fridays @ 2:00 pm (Gray)
Lauren Nave —Sundays @ 6:30pm (Thibodaux near Sugar Mill)
Men’s Prayer Groups:
Kevin Celestin —Mondays @ 6 am in the sanctuary
Lucas Bolden —Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm in the sanctuary
Huey Rivet —Thursdays @ 6:00 pm in the sanctuary
Biff Bourgeois —Fridays @ 6 am (Schriever)
Pray for personal spiritual growth.
Pray for a deeper love for God, His word, people, prayer, service.
Pray for these specific church members:
Gerald & Barbara Andre
Hunter & Haley Babin
Rachel Babin
Levi Bekesza
Clark & Jenna Bergeron
Lucas Bolden
Andrew Boudreaux
Madison Boudreaux
Adam & Malorie Bourgeois
Biff & Carrie Bourgeois
Bonnie Bourgeois
John Bourgeois Jr.
Tom & Paulette Brantley
Alexa Boudreaux
Jamie & Jaime Boudreaux
Guy and Sarah Burch
Pray for your family.
How to pray for your wife:
1. Grace to submit to and respect our husbands and to love our husbands and our marriage the way God intended.
2. That the Lord would help us to be fulfilled and content with the roles He has designed for us and that we would constantly be aligning our will with His will.
3. To have a desire to be used by God to be an encouragement to other women.
4. To be humble and to find and surround ourselves with friends who are encouraging and guiding us Biblically.
5. That our faith would be strong and that we would have growth in spiritual disciplines.
6. That we would be thankful, humble, and faithful servants of the Lord, prioritizing His Word over everything else.
7. Wisdom and discernment in parenting our children and prioritizing devotion time and discipleship with them.
8. Health and safety for us, our husbands, and our family members.
9. Salvation for our children, their spouses, and our family members.
10.Strength in our roles and careers.
11. That our hearts would be guarded from worldly desires and pursuits and filled with a desire to serve and disciple others.
How to pray for your husband:
1. To have a greater love for God and His people.
2. To be more disciple-minded at home.
3. To be more in tune with the Holy Spirit.
4. To have patience with their children.
5. To love their wives like Christ loved the church.
6. To share the gospel faithfully with the lost.
7. To balance time with work, church, and family.
8. To have wisdom in leading family decisions.
Pray for these specific church members:
Silas Celestin
Clay & Lisa Cortez
Michele Cunningham
Jeff & Angel Daigle
Seth Daigle
Steven & Jettie Daly
Diane Dawson
Seth Dawson
Tina Detillier
John & Deana Dighton
Chloe Dighton
Joe Doughty
Jonathan & Jenna Fontenot
Sara & Mason Foret
Pray for the lost.
1. Pray that God would open their eyes (Acts 26:18; 2 Corinthians 4:4).
2. Pray That God would give you an open door to share the Gospel to them (Colossians 4:2).
3. Pray for God to send people into their lives to share the Gospel to them.
Pray for these specific church members:
William Goodnight
Richard Green
Abby Guidry
Shanon & Amy Guidry
Chad & Danielle Guidry
Matt & Emily Guidry
Jason Haynes
Joe and Candace Hebert
Alice & Charlie Himel
James & Jennifer Jett
Addie Joy Kearns
Cherie Knight
Gerard & Colleen Lavergne
Tanner Lavergne
Tonya Lavergne
Matt & Kacie Leblanc
Tony & Lauren Ledet
Carolyn Marcel
Jimmy & Paulette Mayon
Nicholas Mayon
Michael & Linda McLain
Ashley Meissner
Ashley Munson
Pray for the church.
1. Pray for the pastors and their families.
2. Pray for the preaching and teaching ministries of the church.
3. Pray for the ministries and ministry leaders of the church.
4. Pray that the church will be united.
5. Pray that the church will be God-focused and Word-focused.
6. Pray that the church will have a Biblical focus on fellowship.
Pray for these specific church members:
Todd & Belinda Orgeron
Huey & Ann Rivet
Jerry & Mandie Rivet
Cass Rivet
Isabella Robertson
Chloee Rodriguez
Steven & Cassie Scrivner
Luke & Sarah Sedotal
Danny & Rachel Shoop
Amy Snow
Shawn & Jody Snow
David & Lindsay Spencer
Michelle Toups
Greg & Christa Veillon
Josiah & Katherine Wommack