Family Devotion Guide
Sunday, June 28, 2020
A Life of Compromise
Matthew 27:11-23
Q: In what three ways did Pilate compromise?
- Pilate compromised by neglecting to know who Jesus said He was.
- Pilate compromised by ignoring logical truth.
- Pilate compromised by desiring to satisfy the crowd rather than God.
I. Pilate compromised by neglecting to know who Jesus said He was.
Q: Who was Pilate?
He was the procurator of Samaria and Judea. Pontius Pilate bore the official title “Prefect.”
Q: How does the Gospel describe Pilate’s character?
From the Gospels we gather that he was proud (John 19:10) and cruel (Luke 13:1). He was probably just as superstitious as his wife (Matt. 27:19). Above all, as all the accounts of the trial of Jesus before him indicate, he was a self-seeker, wishing to stand well with the emperor.
Q: What were the three reasons the Jews hated Pilate?
- He defiled the temple with golden shields inscribed with the images and names of Roman deities.
- He used the temple treasure to pay for an aqueduct, bringing Roman standards into Jerusalem.
- When the people gathered to protest the sacrilege, Pilate sent soldiers into the crowd disguised as common people who, on a prearranged signal, pulled out hidden clubs and daggers and attacked the demonstrators.
It is important to know Jesus personally, to believe who He says He is, and to obey Him.
Parents, ask your children what they believe about Jesus. Who is Jesus? Why is He important? Then ask if they have a personal relationship with Jesus.
II. Pilate compromised by ignoring logical truth.
Q: Who was Barabbas?
Barabbas was involved in an insurrection, a revolt, and he murdered someone. He was perhaps a zealot who committed the crimes which they accused Jesus of committing.
Q: Was Barabbas innocent?
Q: Was Jesus innocent?
Yes. Pilate mentioned several times in the passage that Jesus was innocent.
III. Pilate compromised by desiring to satisfy the crowd rather than God.
The same crowd that was yelling “hosanna in the highest” is now yelling “crucify him.” As Christians, we must always please God over pleasing people. People’s opinions are subject to change, but God’s Word does not change.
—Pray for your children’s salvation.
–Pray that you and your family will stand firm on the Word of God and not compromise.
–Pray for our pastor and the other leaders in our church that they will also stand firm on the Word of God and not be led to compromise by seeking to satisfy the crowd rather than God.