Family Devotion Guide
Sunday, July 12, 2020
The Death that Brought Life
Matthew 27:45-56
What are the first two miracles that happened when Jesus was crucified?
- A dark sky midday.
- The temple veil was torn from top to bottom.
What does the darkness represent?
The darkness represents God’s wrath and judgment, and He poured out all His wrath upon his Son. Jesus took our sins on the cross with Him and was punished for them in our place.
What does the torn veil represent?
That we now have access to a holy God through Jesus Christ.
–Pray, thanking God that He, in His mercy and grace, accepted the death of His Son as payment for our sins.
—Pray that you and your children will trust in Jesus.
–Pray that you will have opportunities to share with your family and friends the mercy of God found in the crucifixion of Jesus.