Family Devotion Guide
Sunday, August 2, 2020
The Resurrection of the King
Matthew 28:1-15
I. The Disciples’ Discovery
Why were the women going to the tomb of Jesus?
According to Luke 24:1, they were going to the tomb of Jesus with spices to embalm his body.
Although their actions showed love and devotion for Jesus, what was wrong with what they were doing?
Their actions showed a lack of faith because Jesus told them three times that he would be raised on the third day.
Why was the stone rolled away?
The stone was rolled away so that the disciples could enter and see the empty tomb.
II. The Angel’s Announcement
What were the four commands given by the angel?
Come, see, go, tell.
- Come
The invitation to come was from God, and they recognized the voice of God in the invitation and obeyed it. In the preaching of the gospel the Lord Jesus invites you to come to him. He is speaking to you when he says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
What did pastor Kevin mention in his sermon that we are to see in Jesus’ empty tomb?
- We must see the horror of our sins.
- We must see that we too will die.
- We must see that Jesus is no longer in the tomb.
- We must see that we too will be resurrected as Jesus was.
It is a strong reminder that however tempting it may be to remain near the tomb to learn its lessons, there is nevertheless work that remains to be done and we must get on with it.
If we have come to the tomb, have seen that it is empty, know that Jesus was raised, and then obeyed Jesus by going into the world, clearly we must speak of what we know. We must say to people, “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”
III. The Religious Leaders’ Deception
Who else observed the angels rolling the stone of Jesus grave away?
The soldiers/guards. (Matthew 28:4) They went to the religious leaders to report what had happened.
How perverse are the sinful hearts of men. When Jesus was dying on the cross, the leaders taunted him saying, “Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him” (Matt. 27:42).
But now Jesus did something even greater than coming down from the cross. He had been raised from death. Yet they still did not believe in him.
—Pray that God would fill believers hearts with joy.
—Pray that Christians would live holy lives that testify to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.