Family Worship Guide
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Here is a video from Pastor Kevin giving an update on the status of services.
I. Have You Ever Been Worried?
Q: How was David an example of what we must do when we are worried?
A: He prayed to a sovereign God!
“The sovereign cure to worry is prayer.”
–William James
II. Was David Worried?
Q: What was David worried about?
A: The source of his anxiety is described as the “men” (v 4) who are persons of significance or influence.
Q: Why would David say to God, “answer when I call?” Doesn’t that sound rude?
A: David is not intending to be rude, but rather David is showing great confidence that God would answer him when he calls.
Q: What are the three attributes (character traits) of God that David relies on in his prayer?
A: The righteousness of God, the faithfulness of God, and the graciousness of God.
III. What Should I Do Next Time I Worry?
- Turn to prayer
- Have confidence that God will answer
- Meditate on the attributes of God
- Speak to your parents so that they can help you seek God.
–Pray for people today who are fearful because of the COVID-19 virus.
–Pray for other families, particularly those families of your children’s friends. As much as we miss the gathering together each week, they also miss their friends.
–Pray that God will remove any worries that you or your child may have.
Here are some coloring sheets and a word search puzzle that you can print out for your child.